Nonprofit / ReMain Nantucket
Cost of Living Calculator
NDP is in the process of releasing a Cost of Living Calculator, financially supported by ReMain Nantucket. The Cost of Living Calculator could help employers understand what a living wage is on Nantucket. It also allows prospective residents to accurately anticipate costs of living on the island. With ReMain’s support we set out to develop a tool for Nantucket but we ended up creating one which we believe can be a national standard.
Click the image to go to a video of the application in action.
Return here in December for more information on this important tool.
Nonprofit / ReMain Nantucket
Effective Population Study
Delivered version 1.0 of an effective population study entitled, “Making It Count.” This effort merges public and private data, including trip-level data from ferries and airlines, with ground-breaking data science. It offers a detailed portrait of daily changes in the island’s population. Highlights:
- Nantucket’s permanent population is 17,200, which means the official U.S. Census estimate misses 5,600 islanders.
- Seasonal residents would add another 11,000 at 100 percent occupancy (although this almost never happens).
- Nantucket has at least 365 year-round commuting workers and 6,600 seasonal workers in July.
- We also counted 500,000 visitor-trips to the island in 2017, including 100,000 in August alone.
Government / Nantucket Memorial Airport
Finding New In-demand Air Routes
Analyzed mobility data to determine the most underserved air routes. (The answer is Philadelphia).
Government / Finance Department
Building a Predictive Dashboard
Producing V2 of a “finance dashboard” that tracks leading economic indicators for budget planning.
Government / Planning Department
Validating Permanent Population for 2020 Census
Complex address matching project using a variety of data sources and techniques to ensure the local address list for the 2020 Census is robust. Additionally, NDP will support the Town’s awareness campaign to assist in achieving a full count in the 2020 Census.
Government / Select Board
Developing Visualizations for Nantucket’s Strategic Plan
Identifying best practices for visualizations used in the Town’s strategic plan. Assisting in designing a “data dashboard” for public use.
Nonprofit / Nantucket Affordable Housing Trust
Assessing the Housing Landscape
Generating the first full picture of housing supply and demand on Nantucket, coupled with a detailed Housing Survey to provide an up-to-date picture of the housing needs, preferences, and concerns of families and individuals.
Nonprofit / ReMain Nantucket
Cost of Living Profile
Understanding the true costs of living on-island and developing key insights into the implications that has on the Nantucket community.
Nonprofit / ReMain Nantucket
Community Survey Panel
The panel gives Nantucketers a consistent way to share their knowledge and opinions about island life safely and anonymously. NDP expects the panel to become a trusted resource for sharing insights on important community topics, while also providing context and a deeper understanding of the statistics-based analyses NDP publishes on a range of topics.
Business / Nantucket Chamber of Commerce
Creating a Business Data Membership
Collaborating on a future “data membership” for Chamber members, including access to an online dashboard and data sets to help members answer key questions like these:
- When they should we open and close?
- What type of visitors are on the island, and when?
- How do we reach visitors at their homes?
- How do we identify loyal seasonal residents?