Our Story
In the fall of 2016, a small group of Nantucket residents gathered to talk about their beloved home. They were surprised and a little dismayed to learn that they could not describe their community with any real clarity.
They knew friends that were being forced to move off-island because of high housing costs, but the available statistics said Nantucket was the fastest-growing county in the Commonwealth. They knew that tourists clogged their roads and shops every summer, but business owners struggled.

What was happening? Why were businesses having such a hard time? And if friends were leaving, who was moving in, and why?
The group soon realized that their questions begged for statistical answers, and that a solid profile of Nantucket would be an invaluable community resource. So they started collecting and analyzing data to build a reliable, continually updated repository of data that will help islanders make smarter decisions. They called it a "data platform."
A year later, the Nantucket Data Platform is an energetic collaboration of data scientists, demographers, graphic artists, and writers, supported by local leaders from businesses, nonprofit groups, and government. Their research is ground-breaking, and the tools they are developing have great potential.
Meet the Team
We have assembled a talented team of Staff, Advisors, Trustees, and Thinking Partners to help us develop this innovative initiative and execute on its mission.
We've developed a skilled and dedicated team of data architects, data scientists, analysts and visualization experts contributing from near and far. Below are a few of the core team.
Alan Worden
Victoria Powers
Becky Pfund
Chair, Advisory Board
CIO of Educational Testing Service and a long-time Nantucket summer resident.
Members of the Advisory Board are champions of the NDP’s work. They share their experience and advice at four meetings per year and as opportunities and issues arise. They provide non-binding strategic advice to NDP and are not involved with day-to-day management.
Becky Pfund
Advisory Board Chair, Chief Information Officer, Educational Testing Service
Don Callahan
Global Head of Operations and Technology, Citigroup
Hugh Davis
Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Reimagine Holdings Group
Chris Glowacki
Managing Director Strategy & Development, Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Bruce Miller
Former Selectman and Director of The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
Joe Smialowski
Former Chief Data Officer, Citigroup
Roger Vandenberg
Founder & President, Cariad Corporation
Irving Wladasky-Berger
Vistiting Lecturer, Information Technology, MIT Sloan School of Management
Trustees have made a generous, three-year commitment to help launch NDP. Beyond this important financial commitment, many of our Trustees have been available to advise on a wide range of issues.
Anthony Barsanti
CEO, LCOR and Former Managing Director, Lehman Brothers
Don Callahan
Global Head of Operations and Technology, Citigroup
Hugh Davis
Co-Founder, Managing Partner, Reimagine Holdings Group
Mark Famiglio
CEO / Founder, Cambryn Biologics
Jay Hanley
Principal, Hanley Development
John Johnson
Founder, Buzzfeed
John Loose
Former Chairman, Corning
Ian Loring
Managing Director, Bain Capital
Bruce Miller
Former Selectman and Director of The Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank
Joe Smialowski
Former Chief Data Officer, Citigroup
Geoff Smith
Principal, G. J. Smith Inc.
Roger Vandenberg
Founder & President, Cariad Corporation
Thinking Partners are supporters of NDP's work and are often involved in strategic projects.
Warren Brown
Senior Research Associate, Cornell's Program on Applied Demographics
William Clark
Research Professor of Geography, UCLA
Brad Edmondson
Former Editor-in-Chief, American Demographics Magazine
Jonathan Schechter
Founder and Executive Director, Charture Institute
David Swanson
Former Chairman, U.S. Census Bureau's Scientific Advisory Committee
Jeff Tayman
Demographic and Statistical Lecturer, U.C. San Diego Economics Department