The foundation of your data is the aggregation of hyper-local data. Do you use any third-party data?
Yes. We have two key data partnerships. Civis Analytics provides us with a data platform to store and analyze our hyper-local data. We also have access to Civis’ commercial database of American consumers. StreetLight Insights provides us with an online tool to gather mobility data.
What is your approach to data and privacy?
All of the data collected by NDP is publicly available, purchased from commercial sources, or obtained by entering into data sharing agreements with data providers. We drafted a Data Usage Framework that outlines how we think about using data and privacy.
Describe the Trustee program.
Trustees provide $5,000 per year for three years to help launch NDP. Beyond the financial commitment, Trustees can participate in NDP activities in any way that meets their needs. They are invited to Trustee events and presentations and receive regular newsletters. They can consider joining the Advisory Board or serve as a Thinking Partner as issues arise. Or they can simply provide financial support. There is no expectation that trustees will provide time to NDP.
What data and insights will be available to the public?
NDP expects to make certain data available to the public while keeping other data and analysis private as it may be used by customers. In July 2018 NDP will have several public presentations as it presents the Effective Population Study to the public. Interactive dashboards will also be available to the community through the NDP website.